How to compost cow manure has many advantages to improving garden soil. Cow manure is loaded with organic matter mostly undigested grass from the pastures. As this cow manure rots down from composting and put right in the garden soil it will improve soil quality.
How to compost cow manure – cold composting
How to compost cow manure and the use of it dates back hundreds of year’s maybe many thousands by farmers. There are many ways to cold compost cow manure one way is to pile it up in an out of the way spot and let nature do the rest. You can also shred the manure with a shredding machine of some kind there are many kinds on the market to choose from.

How To Compost Cow Manure – Precomposted
After you have done shredding the manure you can till this right into the garden soil, it is best to do this in the early fall so it will have all winter to rot down. If you have some compost cow manure that has rotted down for you already you can add this to the soil about 4 to 6 weeks before planting in the spring.
How to compost cow manure – using red worms
How to compost cow manure using red worms is a great way to improve your soil quality plus it is a lot faster than letting it sit for many months. The use of red worms for composting a wonderful way to cold compost cow manure in fact it can take as little as 6 weeks. If you have a worm box that is 2 x 2 foot square and 1 foot tall and about ¾ full with manure I would add at least 3 pounds of red worms to it.
When the red worms have finished eating the manure it will look like coffee grounds black in color, plus there will still be some pieces of grass in there as well. The finished product will be worm compost {worm castings} black gold is what some gardeners called it. When you apply this to your garden soil the plants can use the nutrients right away from it, and your plants will be in good health and stronger.
One word of warning don’t use fresh cow manure it will kill the red worms I have done that once and learned my lesson. I would collect already aged cow manure from the fields and give this to the red worms.
How to compost cow manure is a great way to start gardening the organic way and the best part is you can get it for free from any cow farmer.
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